How to audio from home

The act of creation is often a collaborative effort. This holds true the most when creating something for TV or Film.  But in the Times of Corona a lot of show makers have had to resort to using their homes as studios with mobile phones as their sole audio and

The Remote Tenet

What are we as humans, if not social. Is the workplace a place for "only work"? Isn't a modern workplace also a thriving social hub - where we forge genuine friendships and connections? From a company to an online work community. What does it mean to be a remote team?

Action Replays, Macros: A New Hope

We took all the limitations which hold back design workflows, and solved them for maximum effectiveness on your assets. Introducing Kubric playbacks: design macros at scale that you can apply anywhere.

Sprinkle some AI over your UI 😛

AI systems if done right, is an almost invisible layer in the software that helps transform great experiences into magical ones. A good user-interface tries to bridge the gap between the AI and the user.

The 10x designer - Smart Automation with Kubric

The top metric at Kubric for the Data Science team is - “How do we reduce the amount of time spent by a designer on doing grunt work?”. We want to eliminate the grunt work that goes into micro-editing and quality checks so that designers can work on the stuff

Ship’d: April 2020

2020 has been... different. We're taking this challenging time to put all our efforts into improving Kubric. Here are the release notes for April 2020.

Introducing Ship'd: The home for new & shiny product upgrades

Ship’d brings you product updates and improvements in Kubric. And all the new ways you can now use Kubric to power through your creative flow. It's like a message from your very own Jarvis - telling you about all the new superpowers you got on your hands.

Grow Power Users On Your Web App

Who’s not a power user in 2020? Most likely you are a power user of an application you use at your workplace everyday. Power users are generally associated with people’s skill to reap maximum gain of functionalities from a software. Over the last few years, online productive apps
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